Irish Person of the Year

Irish Person of The Year Nomination Approved By SADOE Board

Richard Dalton

Richard Dalton was nominated as SADOE’s Irish Person of the Year because of his efforts in promoting genealogy and ancestry in our organization and other genealogy based groups in our community.

Richard has been researching my family genealogy he was eight years old when I interviewed all of his grandparents and began to explore his family tree. His research resulted in the discovery of six  Mayflower ancestors,  12 colonial soldiers that served in the American Revolution, and two that served in the Union during the American Civil War.

Dalton had been a SADOE for the past five years and has been extremely helpful and has been active at various events volunteering my time setting up, tearing down, and helping people with their ancestry. He is also active in the Nevada Society of Scottish Clans where he performs many of the same duties He serves as President of the Nevada State Genealogical Society as well as numerous other genealogy organizations and was recognized last year as Clan Turnbull’s Member of the Year for his efforts in promoting the Clan on the West Coast convening a tent a various Celtic events.

Dalton works in the Washoe County Accessor’s Office and has lived in Reno for xx years. He is a Southern California Native, holds a BA Philosophy & Religion from San Francisco State University and a MDiv Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley.

His Irish ancestors descend from County Antrim in Northern Ireland. He said being Irish connects him to the ancestors like his great grandfather and his father that played the fiddle at dances in their community. Being Irish connects me to Ireland, to the land, the people, the spirit to be free.


Richard joins a list of previous Irish Persons of the Year winners who have made an exceptional contribution to the Sons & Daughters of Erin.
This award has been bestowed on:

2024 Cindy Ainsworth & Fran Tryon;
2023 Paul Beaton & Michael Del Ostia; 2022 Erin Breen; 2021 Donald Abbott & Doyle Stewart; 2020 Marli (Missy) Reinheimer & Ralph McMullen; 2019 Jan Brady & David Bobzein; 2018 John Callan & Courtney Meredith ; 2017 Brittney Hardiman; 2016 Christopher Moreland & Judi Shanahan; 2015 Jeremy & Eve McNeil; 2014 Mark Sullivan & Kathleen Eagan; 2013 Lisa Arteaga; 2012 Greg Harris ; 2011 William Puchert; 2010 Archie Redmond; 2007 Patricia Jewett; 2006 Mike Steedman; 2005 Sherri Simmons; 2004 Bettylou Reed; 2003 Charles Neely; 2002 John McCarthy; 2001 Noreen Neely; 2000 Pat Lantz; 1999 Janine McGinley; 1998 John Reeves; 1997 Ross Salmon; 1996 Pat Martin; 1995 Hugh Lantz; 1994 Danny McGinley; 1993 Geno Oliver; 1992 Con Galvin; 1991 Denny Healy Jr.; Joe Smeltzer, Dinny McGinley, Charles Neely,and many more

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