SADOE will hold its next General Meeting this Tuesday, Feb. 7 at Ryan’s Saloon, 924 S. Wells Ave in Reno. Presentation TBA. We will also bring some materials for those of you who wish to make your own Brigid’s crosses
Irish Person Of The Year
A SADOE who has been nominated for Irish Person of the Year. Our bylaws dictate that the our membership approve these nominations at our upcoming meeting.
Board Elections
Another business item is to hold elections for our SADOE board members serving for the 2025-26 biennium. The following is the slate of nominees to be elected at the meeting:
- Vice-President: Mike Steedman
- Secretary: Karla Scott
- Sgt at Arms: Gary Mulock
- Ulster Director Seat: Doyle Steart
- Connacht Director Seat: Kathleen Eagan